"خدا هنگامیکه در اراده او راه میرویم فیض بیشتری به ما میدهد"
— Jonathan Edwards
Simplified Meaning:
When people live their lives in a way that is aligned with God's wishes, they often find themselves receiving extra help and blessings. Think of it like this: if you're working on a group project and you follow the instructions carefully, your teacher might give you extra guidance and support. Similarly, by doing things that are in line with what God wants, individuals often experience more kindness, strength, and patience during tough times. For example, consider a person who treats others kindly, helps those in need, and lives honestly. Such actions are often seen as doing what God wants. This person might find that they feel more at peace, receive more help from others, and overcome difficulties more easily. It's like their efforts to live a good life attract positive energy and support. To apply this to someone’s life, they can try to focus on being kind, making good choices, and helping others. By doing so, they might notice that life seems to provide them with more opportunities and a sense of inner calm, even when faced with challenges. This idea encourages people to live a life full of good deeds and positive actions, believing that in return, they will receive grace, or unearned favor and support, in abundance.