"Nunca he mirado por una cerradura sin encontrar a alguien que estaba mirando de vuelta"
— Judy Garland
Simplified Meaning:
When you try to snoop or pry into someone's private matters, you might find out that they were aware of your actions and were also observing you. Imagine looking through a small hole in a door to see what someone is doing inside a room. You expect to see them without them knowing, but instead, you find out they are looking back at you. It’s like trying to spy on someone only to discover that they are doing the same to you. This teaches us that invading someone’s privacy often has consequences, and others are more aware of our actions than we might think. In our daily lives, respecting others' boundaries and privacy is crucial because our actions could easily be noticed, turning the tables on us unexpectedly.
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Caution Curiosity Human behavior Intrusion Mystery Observation Privacy Reciprocity SurveillanceFEATURED QUOTES