"أنا خاطئ ومن المحتمل أن أخطئ مرة أخرى"
— Kendrick Lamar
Simplified Meaning:
Everyone makes mistakes, and often, people will repeat them. Imagine someone telling you they've done something wrong, like telling a lie or being mean, and they think they'll probably do it again in the future. They’re admitting they aren’t perfect and that making errors is part of who they are. Think of a student who forgets to do their homework. Even if they get scolded, there's a chance they might forget again because it’s a habit they find hard to break. This quote is about accepting human nature - understanding that not being perfect is okay. In life, it’s important to recognize your flaws and work on them, but also to forgive yourself when you slip up. Knowing this helps you be kinder to yourself and others, as everyone is on their own journey of trying to improve and do better.