"آسمان در حال سقوط است باد در حال صدا زدن است برای چیزی بایست یا صبح بمیر"
— Kendrick Lamar
Simplified Meaning:
Life can be full of challenges and uncertainties that may feel overwhelming, like the sky is falling or the wind is unpredictable. When everything around you seems chaotic, it's important to have strong beliefs or values to hold onto. If you don't stand up for something important to you, you might feel lost and defeated. Imagine a time in history like the civil rights movement. Many people faced danger and hardship every day, but they stood up for equality and justice because those values mattered to them. By standing for something, they found strength and purpose. In your own life, think about what really matters to you. It might be fairness, kindness, or helping others. By committing to these values, you can navigate tough times with a sense of direction and meaning, rather than feeling overwhelmed and helpless.