"Los perdedores visualizan las penalidades del fracaso. Los ganadores visualizan las recompensas del éxito."
— Kobe Bryant
Simplified Meaning:
Some people focus too much on what might go wrong, like failing a test or losing a game. They imagine all the bad things that could happen and it makes them scared or stressed out. It's like being afraid to swim because you keep thinking about sinking. Other people think more about the good things that could happen if they succeed. They imagine getting a good grade or winning a trophy. This helps them feel excited and motivated. For example, if you have a job interview, instead of worrying about messing up, picture yourself doing well and getting the job. This positive thinking can give you more confidence and help you do your best.
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Achievement Attitude Failure Goal setting Goals Mental strength Mindset Motivation Personal development Perspective Positive thinking Success VisualizationFEATURED QUOTES