"Amar es arriesgarse a no ser amado a cambio"
— Leo Buscaglia
Simplified Meaning:
When you love someone, there's a chance that they might not feel the same way about you. It's like planting a seed without knowing if it will grow. Think of it like giving a gift to a friend; you hope they like it, but they might not. For example, imagine telling a friend a secret because you trust them. There's always a risk they might not understand or share the same trust back. This idea helps us understand that taking risks is part of relationships. If you never take the risk, you might miss out on wonderful connections. Remembering this can encourage us to be brave in showing our feelings, even when it's scary.
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Emotional investment Emotional risk Heartbreak Love Relationships Risk Romance Trust Unrequited love VulnerabilityFEATURED QUOTES