Les Brown Quotes
"Always realize that you can get better. Your best work has not been done yet. Practice! Practice! Practice!""Positively charged people choose to react positively to life because they see no benefit in letting life get the upper hand. They don't assign blame or look for a cause when a problem occurs. They look for the solution.""Once you have committed to something and achieved it, you experience self-fulfillment - the feeling of success and empowerment.""Just because fate doesn't deal you the right cards, it doesn't mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential.""Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. When you face your fear, most of the time you will discover that it was not really such a big threat after all. We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation -- it em""It is no fun to fail, but you must pick yourself you and get back in the race. The only way you can grow is to challenge yourself beyond your present circumstances.""By focusing my attention on the solution to the problem rather than the problem, I was able to quickly turn what seemed like a major crisis into an opportunity.""It is fine to achieve your accomplishments and savor your victories, but there is not enough time in life to reason your laurels for long.""The difference between setting a goal and achieving it is in having a good plan and working it.""I haven't always been successful, but I've always had hope. I've always known that if I kept plugging away and doing my best, I'd be successful.""Success isn't what you have, but who you are. And who you are can be measured in your character and in the positive impact your life has on the lives of people around you.""Nobody is going to care more about your goals than you. Nobody is going put more time in on them than you. You have to find your own source of hunger and motivation and let it drive you.""Are you taking your life for granted? Are you allowing your days to be consumed with boredom and frustration? Time is your most precious gift, not to be dwindled away in idleness or negativity.""I am often fascinated by the resiliency of some of the people I meet. Life keeps knocking them down, but in what seems to be outright defiance, they keep getting up, stronger and better than before.""Sometimes we have to discard the tools that we have long depended on and look to new ones. This is especially true in businesses where changing technology demands workers have the ability to change with it.""If you died tomorrow, are there three things that your eulogists could say you did to make the world a better place for your having lived in it?""In the end, it is the person you become, not the things you achieve, that is most important.""I don't believe that man was born to work for a living; I believe he was born to make what he lives for HIS WORK.""If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness.""I take pride in knowing that of all the things I have accomplished, no success or honor is greater than that of being a father."