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Lucius Annaeus Seneca Quotes

"It does not matter how many books you have, but how good the books are which you have.""It is quality rather than quantity that matters.""The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach; a wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be.""A happy life is one which is in accordance with its own nature.""Let us say what we feel, and feel what we say; let speech harmonize with life.""Wealth is the slave of the wise man, the master of the fool.""There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage.""Silence is a lesson learned through life's many sufferings""The sun also shines on the wicked""It is more fitting for a man to laugh at life than to lament over it""Sometimes in our pursuit of happiness, we end up learning only that we were in pursuit of the wrong thing""A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer""Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant""The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately""Life is like a play: it's not the length, but the excellence of the acting that matters""He suffers more than necessary, who suffers before it is necessary""The mind unlearns with difficulty what it has long learned ""Consult your friend on all things, especially on those which respect yourself ""He who is brave is free ""To wish to be well is a part of becoming well "
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