"Le temps guérit ce que la raison ne peut pas"
— Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes, when we face problems or get hurt, thinking about it over and over doesn't help us feel better. Our minds can't always find a way to fix everything or make the pain go away. However, as days, weeks, or months pass, we start to feel better simply because time is passing. For example, losing a close friend can be very painful, and talking or thinking about it might not make the sadness go away. But after some time, people usually start to feel less sad, and they can think about the happy memories without as much pain. This shows that time can heal our emotional wounds when nothing else can. To help ourselves heal, we just need to be patient and allow time to do its work.
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Emotional healing Healing Life lessons Mental health Patience Perspective Reason Time WisdomFEATURED QUOTES