"La tranquilidad que llega cuando dejas de preocuparte por lo que dicen. O piensan, o hacen. Solo lo que haces tú."
— Marcus Aurelius
Simplified Meaning:
When you stop worrying about others' opinions, actions, or thoughts, and only focus on your own actions, you find peace. Imagine a student in a classroom who is always concerned about what their classmates think of them. This stress can make it hard for them to concentrate on their studies. But if the student decides to ignore the gossip and judgments, and instead focuses solely on doing their homework and participating in class, they start to feel calmer and more confident. They realize that the only thing within their control is their own behavior and choices. By letting go of the stress about others, they can achieve better results and lead a more peaceful life. This mindset can help anyone feel more relaxed and content by not letting the opinions or actions of others dictate their happiness.