“In the heat of battle when every muscle screams to give up, discipline is what separates t...”
“If you can make a decision with analysis, you should do so. But it turns out in life that ...”
“Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world”
“Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?”
“Confusion is a luxury which only the very, very young can possibly afford and you are not ...”
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people”
“You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It's a goldfish. You know why? It's got a 1...”
“People cry not because they’re weak, it’s because they’ve been strong for too long.”
“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine: it is lethal.”
“If you've got an idea, start today. There's no better time than now to get going”
“To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.”
“You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you”