"Uno nunca nota lo que se ha hecho; solo se puede ver lo que queda por hacer."
— Marie Curie
Simplified Meaning:
This quote means people often focus on the tasks and goals they haven't finished yet, rather than appreciating what they have already accomplished. Imagine you just cleaned your entire house, but one room is still messy. Instead of feeling proud of cleaning the whole house, you might only think about the room you didn't finish. This can make you feel like you haven't done enough. It's like when a student does all their homework except for one difficult problem. They might stress about the problem they couldn't solve, forgetting about all the work they did complete. This way of thinking can make you always feel behind, no matter how much you've already achieved. To apply this advice to your life, try to take a moment to recognize and appreciate what you have already done before worrying about what's left. If you start thanking yourself for each step you've completed, you'll feel more positive and less stressed about the future tasks. For instance, when working on a big project, celebrate the small milestones you hit along the way. This will help you stay motivated and keep a good attitude as you move forward.