"彼の研究室にいる科学者は単なる技術者ではありません 彼はまた 子供のように自然現象と向き合い それがまるでおとぎ話のように彼を感動させます"
— Marie Curie
Simplified Meaning:
In a lab, a scientist isn't just following instructions like a machine. They're like a curious child, full of wonder and excitement, exploring and discovering new things about the world. Imagine a child seeing snow for the first time, amazed at how it falls and fits together. Similarly, a scientist feels awe when they uncover new aspects of nature. They don't just see data; they see stories and magic in their discoveries. This perspective keeps their work exciting and meaningful, pushing them to explore more.
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Childlike wonder Curiosity Fairy tales Imagination Inspiration Natural phenomena Scientific discovery ScientistFEATURED QUOTES