"لا تتخل عن أوهامك. عندما تزول، قد تستمر في الوجود، لكنك توقفت عن العيش."
— Mark Twain
Simplified Meaning:
Our dreams and hopes are very important for our happiness and excitement about life. When we stop dreaming or believing in good things, we may still be alive, but life can feel empty and boring. Imagine a child who loves the idea of becoming an astronaut. This dream makes the child work hard in school and stay curious about science. If that dream is taken away, the child may do the schoolwork but without the same excitement or passion. Adults also need dreams and positive thoughts to keep moving forward, even during tough times. Holding on to our dreams gives us a reason to wake up and strive for something better, making our lives feel more meaningful and joyful.
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Dreams Existence Hope Illusions Imagination Inspiration Life Motivation Optimism PhilosophyFEATURED QUOTES