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Mark Wahlberg Quotes

"Sometimes it's more important to be human, than to have good taste""Today I have more than I ever dreamed.""You can live between your dreams and your reality.""I want people to come away from my films not only entertained but also a little encouraged to be a better person.""If I become complacent and let my guard down now, I'll be broken.""I'm the father of four children, and I hope that every day they know they come first.""Sometimes, it's hard to leave yourself behind and step into somebody else's shoes.""I'll dabble in anything if the deal looks right.""I'm trying to be a better person and be a positive role model.""It's easy to be a tough guy when no one's going to call you on it.""I prepare mentally and physically for everything I do.""I'm constantly having to be the best parent I can be.""I don't want to let my guard down and feel too comfortable.""The environment I was raised in, you had to, to survive.""I never lie. I believe everything I say, so it's not a lie""I've always wanted to be somebody who knows the game, not just the rules""I'm always friendly and encouraging on set""One of the most important things for me is the balance in my life""If I succeed in business but fail as a father, then I've failed""I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother, an uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me, a good follower to those who are serving God and doing the right thing"
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