"يجب على كل إنسان أن يقرر ما إذا كان سيسير في ضوء الإيثار الإبداعي أو في ظلام الأنانية المدمرة."
— Martin Luther King Jr.
Simplified Meaning:
This saying means that everyone has a choice about how to live their life. They can either choose to be kind and helpful to others, making the world a better place, or they can choose to be selfish and hurtful, which leads to a worse world for everyone. For example, think about two people at a job: one person helps their coworkers, shares ideas, and works as a team. The office becomes a happy place, and everyone succeeds. The other person steals ideas, takes credit for other people's work, and creates a hostile environment. This creates stress and unhappiness for everyone around them. To apply this advice, you can choose to be supportive and generous with your time and resources rather than focusing only on your own needs and desires, which will lead to a more fulfilling and positive life.