"إن الخطر الأكبر بالنسبة لمعظمنا لا يكمن في تحديد أهدافنا عالية جدًا وعدم الوصول إليها؛ بل في تحديد أهدافنا منخفضة جدًا وتحقيقها."
— Michelangelo
Simplified Meaning:
Often, the real risk isn't aiming too high and missing your goal, but actually aiming too low and hitting it. Imagine you're playing basketball. If you only practice easy shots right next to the hoop, you'll always make them, but you won't get any better. However, if you practice tougher shots from farther away, you might miss many at first, but you'll improve over time and get stronger. This idea can apply to life goals and dreams. If you only set small, easy-to-reach goals, you won't push yourself or grow much. But if you set big, challenging goals, even if you don't fully reach them, you'll go farther and learn more in the process. So, it's better to challenge yourself with high ambitions because the journey will help you grow, rather than staying in a comfort zone where progress is minimal.