"معظمنا يعيش في أحياء مفصولة على أساس العرق والدخل. سياستنا تعكس تلك الحدود. الأشخاص المتعلمون لا يتحدثون مع الأشخاص غير المتعلمين. الأشخاص المتدينون لا يتحدثون مع الأشخاص غير المتدينين. إذا كنا نقضي معظم وقتنا مع أشخاص يشبهوننا ويشبهون طريقة تفكيرنا ويتحدث"
— Michelle Obama
Simplified Meaning:
People usually live in areas with people who are the same race and make the same amount of money. This affects our political views. Educated people often don't talk to less educated people, and religious people don't usually talk to non-religious people. If we only spend time with people who are similar to us, we should see this as an issue and try to change it.