"بالنسبة لي، الضغط مفروض ذاتيًا، وهذا جيد بالنسبة لي. أفضل الممثلين هم الأكثر استعدادًا لأن كل شيء خيالي وعليك أن تعرف الشخصية من الداخل والخارج."
— Miles Teller
Simplified Meaning:
When someone says that pressure is self-imposed and beneficial, they mean that they create their own pressure to do well, which actually helps them perform better. Think of a student who sets high goals for themselves to score good grades. Even though their teachers or parents don't pressure them, they push themselves because they believe it will lead to success. This personal pressure leads to thorough preparation, just like the best actors practice a lot to understand every detail of their roles. In acting, since everything is made up (imaginary), knowing the character deeply helps them perform realistically. This idea can be applied to any job or skill. If you set high standards for yourself and prepare well, you'll likely perform better and achieve your goals.