— Morpheus
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine discovering that something you deeply believe in or have been taught is not true at all. It's like finding out one day that the sky isn't blue, but just looks that way because of the atmosphere. Think about how much that changes everything you thought you knew about the world. In real life, people might grow up believing certain things because that's what they were always told by their parents, teachers, or society. Sometimes, as they get older and learn more, they find out that these beliefs are not accurate. For instance, for many years, people believed the Earth was flat. When they learned it was round, it changed their entire understanding of our planet. Applying this idea to your life means staying open-minded and being willing to question and re-examine what you’ve been taught. It encourages you to seek the truth for yourself and not just accept things because they’ve always been said. This way, you’re always learning and growing, rather than living in a bubble of misunderstandings or falsehoods.