"Saber cómo pensar te empodera mucho más allá de aquellos que solo saben qué pensar"
— Neil deGrasse Tyson
Simplified Meaning:
Being able to figure things out on your own is much more powerful than just memorizing other people's ideas. Imagine two students: one learns all the answers teachers give for tests; the other learns how to solve problems by themselves. When life changes, the second student can handle any new challenges because they know how to think through them, while the first might get stuck since they only know specific answers. In history, inventors like Thomas Edison didn't just follow what they were told. They experimented and discovered new ways to create things like the light bulb. This kind of thinking skills can make you capable of adapting and overcoming new situations, much more so than just having facts. For example, if you are at a job and something goes wrong, knowing how to think allows you to find solutions rather than waiting for someone else to tell you what to do. This helps you become more independent and successful because you can navigate through different problems thrown your way.