“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
— Nikola Tesla
Simplified Meaning:
Science usually focuses on things we can see, touch, or measure, like plants, animals, or chemicals. This quote suggests that if science starts to study things we can't see or measure easily, like thoughts, emotions, or the mind, it could learn a lot more, very quickly. For example, imagine we've always studied just the body but never tried to understand the brain's thoughts or feelings. If scientists began to study the mind seriously, they might discover how thoughts affect health, or how emotions can change our bodies. This could lead to new ways to treat mental illnesses, help people feel happier, or improve learning. Applying this idea means being open to exploring and valuing the unseen parts of life. Instead of just focusing on physical health, we should also consider mental and emotional well-being. Doing so could bring great improvements to how we live and understand the world.