"إما أن تكرر نفس العقائد التقليدية التي يقولها الجميع، أو أن تقول شيئًا صحيحًا، وسيبدو وكأنه من نبتون."
— Noam Chomsky
Simplified Meaning:
When you talk like everyone else, people understand you easily because they are used to hearing those ideas. It's like when you say, "The sky is blue." Everyone agrees and thinks it's normal. But if you say something original or really honest that people aren't used to hearing, it might seem strange and surprising to them, like you're speaking a different language or coming from another planet. For example, imagine everyone in your town thinks that working long hours is the only way to be successful. If you say, “You can be successful without overworking yourself,” some people might find your idea odd or even wrong because it's different from what they believe. However, by sharing your unique perspective, you might help others see things differently and inspire positive change. So, if you have a true and important message, don't be afraid to share it, even if it seems unusual at first.