"عندما نحب نسعى دائمًا لأن نصبح أفضل مما نحن عليه."
— Paulo Coelho
Simplified Meaning:
When we care deeply about someone, we want to improve ourselves. Imagine a person who falls in love and suddenly finds the motivation to quit bad habits like smoking or start working towards a better job. This happens because love makes us think about our future together and wanting to be the best we can be for the one we love. For example, a parent might work extra hard to provide a good life for their child. Love encourages positive changes and motivates us to grow and develop. When you love someone, you become inspired to be kinder, healthier, and more successful. This drive to be better is a natural response to wanting to be worthy of the love we receive.
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Betterment Inspiration Love Motivation Personal development Personal growth Relationships Self-improvement Striving TransformationFEATURED QUOTES