"No pierdas tu tiempo persiguiendo mariposas. Arregla tu jardín y las mariposas vendrán."
— Paulo Coelho
Simplified Meaning:
Instead of running around trying to catch butterflies, which can be difficult and time-consuming, focus on taking good care of your garden. When you make your garden beautiful and healthy, the butterflies will come to you naturally. This means you should work on improving yourself and your environment rather than spending all your energy chasing after things you want. For example, if you want to make friends, don't spend all your time trying to impress people. Instead, be kind, helpful, and genuine. When you become this kind of person, others will naturally want to be around you. This advice can be used in many areas of life. If you want a good job, gain skills and work hard; opportunities will come. If you want to be happy, focus on doing things you love and being around positive people. By improving the parts of your life you can control, good things will find their way to you.