“You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.”
— Paulo Coelho
Simplified Meaning:
If you fall into a river, it's not falling in that causes you to drown, but staying underwater for too long. This means that facing problems or making mistakes doesn't ruin you, but giving up and not trying to fix them can. Imagine you're learning to ride a bike. If you fall, that's okay—you stand up, dust yourself off, and try again. But if you decide to lie on the ground and don't get back up, you'll never learn to ride. So, in life, when you face challenges, it's important to keep trying to overcome them instead of letting them drag you down. Don't let temporary failures stop you from moving forward.
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Crisis management Drowning Fear Life lessons Metaphor Overcoming challenges Perseverance Resilience SurvivalFEATURED QUOTES