Pope Francis Quotes
"Take care of God's creation, but above all take care of people in need""He who doesn't pray to the Lord prays to the devil""Always follow your dreams, even if they lead you down a dark path""Hope opens new horizons, making us capable of dreaming""God does not make dirty things, God does not make junk""Our life has been saved by the blood of Christ""A society without mothers is a society that has lost respect for life and has ceased to care about life.""We cannot sleep peacefully while babies are dying of hunger and the elderly are without medical assistance.""Let’s say 'Yes' to life and 'No' to death.""There is so much indifference in the face of suffering. May we overcome indifference with concrete acts of charity.""Joy is a pilgrim virtue; it cannot be held at heel, it must be let go. It is a gift that walks, walks on the path of life, that walks with Jesus.""Too often we participate in the globalization of indifference. May we strive instead to live global solidarity.""To protect creation, that is our task.""The world can no longer stand by and observe without reacting to the destruction of nature.""In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it.""What we need is a new age of politics for the common good.""God’s love calls us to move beyond fear.""The times talk to us of so much poverty in the world and this is a scandal. Poverty in the world is a scandal. In a world where there is so much wealth, so many resources to feed everyone, it is unfathomable that there are so many hungry children, so many children without education, so many poor persons.""A real education includes the knowledge of values, the beauty of nature, and the importance of human dignity.""An authentic faith, which is never comfortable or completely personal, always involves a deep desire to change the world."