"La cultura del confort, que nos hace pensar solo en nosotros mismos, nos insensibiliza ante los clamores de otras personas."
— Pope Francis
Simplified Meaning:
When people get too used to living comfortably, they often focus only on their own needs and desires. This focus on themselves can make them unable to see or care about the problems and suffering of others. For example, imagine a person who has plenty of food and a nice home. If they are always thinking about their next vacation or buying new things, they might ignore a neighbor who can't afford to buy groceries or pay their rent. Even though the comfortable person isn't bad, their constant focus on their own life can make them cold and unfeeling to others' struggles. To avoid this, people need to stay aware of what's happening around them and make an effort to help those in need. For instance, volunteering at a food bank or donating to charity can remind people to consider the well-being of others. By doing these things, a person can stay empathetic and connected to their community, rather than being wrapped up in their own comfort.