"私たち一人一人が善と悪のビジョンを持っています 私たちは人々が自分が良いと思うものに向かって進むように促さなければなりません それぞれが自分なりの善と悪の考えを持っていて善を選び悪と戦わなければなりません それだけでも世界をより良い場所にするのに十分でしょう"
— Pope Francis
Simplified Meaning:
Everyone sees good and bad things in their own way. We should help people do what they think is good. If each person tries to do good and avoid bad based on their own thoughts, the world will be better.
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Choice Encouragement Ethics Good vs evil Individuality Morality Personal belief Philosophy Self-determination World improvementFEATURED QUOTES