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Prince Quotes

"Cool means being able to hang with yourself. All you have to ask yourself is Is there anybody I'm afraid of Is there anybody who if I walked into a room and saw I'd get nervous I don't think so""I don't really care so much what people say about me because it usually is a reflection of who they are""Time is a mind construct. It's not real""The key to longevity is to learn every aspect of music that you can""The gatekeepers must change""The music industry is a matrix that is counter to what is natural and right""Every day I feel it's a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful""Sometimes it snows in April""There's always a rainbow at the end of every rain""I like Hollywood. I just like Minneapolis a little bit better""Life is just a party, and parties weren't meant to last""Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life""Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you""Compassion is an action word with no boundaries""A strong spirit transcends rules""Despite everything, no one can dictate who you are to other people"
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