“The small wisdom is like water in a glass: clear, transparent, pure. The great wisdom is like the water in the sea: dark, mysterious, impenetrable.”
— Rabindranath Tagore
Simplified Meaning:
Understanding things on a simple level is often straightforward and clear, similar to seeing through a clean glass of water. You can easily see everything without any confusion. For example, if you learn how to solve a basic math problem, it’s easy to understand the steps and the solution. On the other hand, when you dive into very deep and complex subjects, they become more difficult to grasp fully, like looking into the vast and deep ocean. There’s so much more to explore and understand, and it often isn’t clear or simple. Consider the intricate workings of the human brain. Scientists have studied it for years, yet much about it remains a mystery, filled with complexities that aren’t easily understood. So, while simple knowledge may feel complete and satisfying, deeper knowledge often leads to more questions and mysteries. This deeper understanding can humble us, making us realize how much more there is to learn. Embracing this can make us better learners, always curious and open to discovering more.