"Surtout, regarde le monde entier autour de toi avec des yeux pétillants parce que les plus grands secrets sont toujours cachés dans les endroits les plus improbables. Ceux qui ne croient pas en la magie ne la trouveront jamais."
— Roald Dahl
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about keeping an open and curious mind. The idea is that the world is full of amazing and surprising things, but you will only see them if you look carefully and believe there is wonder to be found. Think about children; they get excited by small things like finding a colorful rock or watching ants work together. Adults can sometimes miss these moments because they are too busy or too focused on their routine. By keeping our eyes open and our minds curious, we can find joy and discovery in everyday life. Consider a scientist or inventor; they often find the best discoveries in places they didn't expect. For example, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, a life-saving medicine, by noticing that some mold killed bacteria in his petri dish. If he had not been curious and open to surprises, he might have missed it. In your life, try to look at things with wonder and interest. Instead of thinking something is too simple or boring, ask yourself what you can learn or enjoy about it. Believing in the possibility of finding something special makes you more likely to find it.