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Rumi Quotes

"Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah… it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.""Whoever has heart’s doors wide open, could see the sun itself in every atom.""The message behind the words is the voice of the heart.""You are not one you are a thousand. Just light your lantern.""Work. Keep digging your well. Water is there somewhere.""With every breath, I plant the seeds of devotion, I am a farmer of the heart.""Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.""Whether one moves slowly or with speed, the one who is a seeker will be a finder.""Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.""Anyone who genuinely and consistently with both hands looks for something will find it.""The garden of the world has no limit except in your mind.""When I am silent, I fall into the place where everything is music.""There is a life force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. O traveller, if you are in search of that, don’t look outside, look inside yourself and seek that.""Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground""You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens""We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us""When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy""My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there""Travel brings power and love back into your life.""Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious."