“Be an empty page, untouched by words.”
— Rumi
Simplified Meaning:
This quote is about keeping an open mind and being ready to learn new things. Think about a blank sheet of paper; it has no marks on it and is ready for anything to be written down. In life, we should be like that blank sheet, not holding on too tightly to our past ideas or experiences. When we don’t let our old thoughts or experiences cloud our judgment, we can see new opportunities and ideas clearly. For example, when you start a new job, it's best to not assume you know everything already because you’ve had other jobs before. Instead, listen and learn from your new colleagues, understanding that this company might do things differently. This approach helps you grow, adapt, and fit in better with the new team. Adopting this mindset helps us stay flexible and open to learning, which makes us better at handling change and discovering new possibilities in our lives.