"عندما يكون لديك توقعات، فإنك تهيئ نفسك لخيبة أمل."
— Ryan Reynolds
Simplified Meaning:
When you expect things to go a certain way, you risk being let down if they don't happen as planned. Imagine you study hard for a test and expect to get an A. When you get a B instead, you feel disappointed, even though a B is still a good grade. This is because your expectation of getting an A set you up for feeling bad. By not having rigid expectations, you can avoid this letdown and be more open to whatever outcome happens. It's like being excited for a surprise instead of expecting a specific gift. If you apply this idea to your life, you can feel happier and less stressed by being flexible and open-minded about what comes your way.
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Acceptance Disappointment Emotional well-being Expectations Mental health Mindfulness Personal growth Positivity Psychology Self-helpFEATURED QUOTES