"هذا العالم مثل الجبل. صدى صوتك يعتمد عليك."
— Shams Tabrizi
Simplified Meaning:
Imagine you are standing in a valley surrounded by mountains and you shout something as loud as you can. What you hear back is an echo of your voice, repeating what you just shouted. This idea is much like how life works. How people treat you often mirrors how you treat them. If you are kind and friendly, people are usually kind and friendly back to you. On the other hand, if you are rude or mean, people are likely to respond in the same way. Think of a time when you smiled at a stranger and they smiled back. That smile was like an echo of your own smile. Similarly, if you were to help a friend in need, they would likely help you when you need it. This shows that your actions and behavior can influence the responses you get from others. Treating people well creates a positive environment, while treating them badly can make things unpleasant. So, to have a happier and more positive life, act in ways that you'd want others to act toward you.