"Une personne heureuse ne l'est pas parce que tout est parfait dans sa vie, elle est heureuse parce que son attitude envers tout dans sa vie est juste."
— Sundar Pichai
Simplified Meaning:
Being happy isn’t about having a perfect life with no problems. It’s more about how you think and feel about your situation. Even if things go wrong, you can still decide to look at the positive side. Imagine two people who both lose their jobs. The first person gets very upset and thinks everything is hopeless. The second person feels sad too but decides to use the time to learn new skills or find a better job. The second person stays positive and makes the best of a bad situation. You can be like the second person. If you focus on what you can do and find something good in each day, you’ll feel happier. It’s all about choosing to see things in a better way. This can help you stay happy, even when life is tough.
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Contentment Happiness Inner peace Life philosophy Mental health Mindset Optimism Perspective Positive attitude Self-improvement