"لا تنتظر أحداً أو أي شيء. افعل كل ما تستطيع، ولا تعلّق آمالك على أحد."
— Swami Vivekananda
Simplified Meaning:
You shouldn't rely on others or wait for the perfect moment. Take action with what you have right now. For example, if you dream of starting your own business, don't wait for someone to help you or for the ideal time to come. Begin with the resources you have and learn as you go along. Depending on others or expecting everything to line up perfectly set you up for disappointment and delay. By moving forward on your own terms, you gain confidence and control over your future.
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Determination Empowerment Independence Initiative Motivation Personal growth Proactivity Self-help Self-motivation Self-relianceFEATURED QUOTES