"الوعي مثل الشمس. عندما يضيء على الأشياء تتحول."
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Simplified Meaning:
Being aware is like turning on a bright light in a dark room. When the room is dark, you can't see anything clearly, and you might bump into things or trip over them. But when you switch on the light, everything in the room becomes visible. You can see where things are, how to navigate around them, and even how to clean up or rearrange if needed. Imagine you have a small garden. If you only water some parts and keep other parts in shadow, the plants in the shadow won't grow well. But if you make sure all parts get sunlight, everything can grow healthy. In life, if you understand your habits, feelings, and why you do things, it's like shining light inside yourself. You see more clearly how to improve, what to change, and what's working well. For example, if you notice that you're always stressed before work, understanding why can help you adjust your routine to feel calmer. By paying attention and being mindful, you can transform your experiences and grow better, just like plants in the sun.