"الوظيفة الرئيسية للجسم هي أن يحمل الدماغ."
— Thomas Edison
Simplified Meaning:
The quote suggests that our body mainly serves to help our brain do its job. Imagine the brain as the boss and the body as the workers. The body moves, sees, hears, and touches so that the brain can think, decide, create, and solve problems. For example, when you want to catch a ball, your brain figures out where the ball will go, and it tells your body to move your hand to catch it. In everyday life, taking care of your body by eating healthy and exercising is important because it helps your brain stay sharp and work well. By staying healthy, you’re making sure your brain has the best support possible.
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Body Brain Cognition Function Human anatomy Intellect Mental health Mind-body connection Philosophy Physical healthFEATURED QUOTES