“In the state of nature, profit is the measure of right”
— Thomas Hobbes
Simplified Meaning:
When there are no rules, people decide what is fair based on what benefits them the most. Think of a situation where there are no laws or authorities to guide us. Imagine kids playing together without any adults around. If one child has more toys because they were able to grab them quicker, the other kids might think it's fair, even if it leaves them with less. In such a scenario, "fairness" is decided by who gets the most out of the situation. This way of thinking also applies to adults in the real world, whenever they find themselves in unregulated situations. If there's no one to say what's right or wrong, people often make decisions based on what's best for them personally. So, in our lives, when we face choices without clear rules, we should try to think beyond our own profit and consider what is truly fair and right for everyone involved.