“Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it”
— Thomas Jefferson
Simplified Meaning:
Sometimes things that seem fun or enjoyable right away can lead to problems later on. Imagine a fish sees a tasty worm, but it doesn't know there's a sharp hook hidden inside the worm. If the fish bites, it gets caught. In life, we should be careful about jumping into things that look attractive but might have hidden dangers or consequences. For example, a friend might offer you drugs at a party, making it seem fun, but they don't tell you about the risks like addiction or getting in trouble. To avoid harm, it's wise to think carefully and check if there's any downside before you go for something that looks appealing. This way, you protect yourself from potential harm and make better choices for your future.
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Caution Consequences Decision-making Foresight Mindfulness Philosophy Pleasure Self-control Temptation WisdomFEATURED QUOTES