“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”
— Thomas Jefferson
Simplified Meaning:
Thomas Jefferson, who said this, deeply valued the freedom to think and believe without being oppressed or controlled. Imagine a world where someone tells you what to think, who to pray to, or what opinions to hold. Jefferson was saying that he would always fight against this kind of control. He believed that people should have the right to their own thoughts and beliefs without interference. Look at history: during the American Revolution, people fought for freedom from British rule because they wanted to govern themselves and think independently. Jefferson is saying he will always resist any force that tries to dominate or suppress the human mind. In your everyday life, it’s like standing up for your right to speak your mind, choose your own path, and not be pushed around by others trying to tell you what to think or believe. This principle encourages us to value our mental and spiritual freedom.