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Victor Hugo Quotes

"To love beauty is to see light""What men call knowledge is the reasoned acceptance of false appearances""An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come""When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right""Common sense is in spite of, not as the result of, education""To contemplate is to look at shadows""Diamonds are to be found only in the darkness of the earth, and truth in the darkness of the mind""A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them""Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones""Freedom in art, freedom in society, this is the double goal towards which all consistent and logical minds must strive.""To rise from error to truth is rare and beautiful.""Reason is intelligence taking exercise. Imagination is intelligence with an erection.""Melancholy is the happiness of being sad.""It is by suffering that human beings become angels.""To love is to act.""Nothing makes a man so adventurous as an empty pocket.""Those who live are those who fight.""There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.""Perseverance, secret of all triumphs""A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil."
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