"La normalité est une route pavée C'est confortable pour marcher mais aucune fleur ne pousse"
— Vincent Van Gogh
Simplified Meaning:
When you stick to the usual and never try anything different, it’s like walking on an easy, smooth path. This path doesn't really challenge you or bring anything new or exciting into your life. Imagine if you always did the same simple things every day, like eating the same food or watching the same TV show. It might feel safe and comfortable, but you wouldn't experience new flavors or new stories. Taking risks or trying new things, like picking up a new hobby or meeting new people, is like walking on a dirt path where wildflowers grow. It might be harder and a bit uncomfortable at first, but it brings beauty, growth, and rewards that you wouldn’t find on the easy, predictable path. So, to grow and enrich your life, sometimes you have to step off the smooth road and explore the bumpy, uncertain trails.