“No amount of political freedom will satisfy the hungry masses.”
— Vladimir Lenin
Simplified Meaning:
People need basic things like food, water, and shelter before they can care about their freedom or rights. Imagine if someone doesn't have enough food to eat every day; they won't be concerned about voting or free speech because they are too busy trying to survive. For example, in many parts of the world, people protest not because they want political changes, but because they don't have enough to eat. Governments might give them the right to vote or speak freely, but if their stomachs are empty, these freedoms don't help much. To make a real difference, those in power need to ensure that everyone has enough to eat first. After their basic needs are met, people can then think about their freedoms and rights.
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Basic needs Economic disparity Freedom Human rights Hunger Inequality Masses Politics Poverty Social justiceFEATURED QUOTES