"من باور دارم که یک برگ علف کمتر از کار و سفر ستارگان نیست."
— Walt Whitman
Simplified Meaning:
Every small thing in nature, like a leaf of grass, is just as important and wonderful as big things, like stars in the sky. Everything in the universe, big or small, plays a special and unique role. For example, think about how you and your friends all have different talents. One person might be great at painting while another is good at solving math problems. Both talents are important and valuable. Just like that, a tiny leaf of grass is part of the big picture and contributes to the beauty and balance of the natural world. If we remember this, we can better appreciate the small things in life and recognize that everything has its own special worth.
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Beauty Existence Interconnectedness Nature Philosophy Poetry Spirituality Stars Universe WhitmanFEATURED QUOTES