— Warren Buffett
Simplified Meaning:
When someone says this, they mean that they like to keep things for a very long time instead of frequently changing or selling them. Imagine you have a toy car you love playing with every day. Instead of getting rid of it when a new toy comes out, you decide to keep it forever because it makes you happy and holds special memories. This idea can be applied to other areas of life, like investing. If you buy stocks in a company you believe in, you don't rush to sell them whenever the market changes. Instead, you hold onto them for a long time, trusting they'll grow in value. It's a way of thinking that values patience and long-term commitment over quick changes. By applying this approach, you can build deeper relationships with people or become more skilled in a hobby you consistently practice. Choosing to hold onto what you love and what’s important teaches you patience and can lead to greater rewards in the future.