“Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.”
— Will Rogers
Simplified Meaning:
Many people use money they don't actually have, like credit cards or loans, to buy things they don't truly need or care about. They do this just to look good in front of others whom they might not even respect or get along with. Think about someone buying a fancy car to show off to their coworkers, even though they're happy with their old car. They put themselves in debt and stress over something that doesn't really matter to them, just to seem impressive. Instead, it's better to spend money wisely on things that bring real joy or value to your own life, not just to please others. This way, you avoid unnecessary debt and feel happier with your choices.
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Authenticity Consumerism Debt Financial wisdom Frugality Materialism Minimalism Peer pressure Personal finance Social pressureFEATURED QUOTES