"الشعور بالامتنان وعدم التعبير عنه يشبه تغليف هدية وعدم تقديمها."
— William Arthur Ward
Simplified Meaning:
When you feel thankful for something but don't tell the person, it's similar to buying a gift for someone and not giving it to them. Imagine if you had a beautiful wrapped gift for your friend’s birthday but kept it hidden instead of giving it to them. Your friend would miss out on the joy of receiving the gift. In the same way, when you appreciate someone's help or kindness but don't let them know, they miss out on feeling appreciated and valued. So, it's important to share your gratitude with others because it makes them feel good and strengthens your relationship. For example, if a coworker helped you finish a big project, take a moment to thank them. It can make a big difference in how they feel and can make your workplace a happier place.